#TuesdayTruth Philippians 1:6

Philippians 1:6

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

As we wrap up yet another year (and 2020 being such a strange, historic year), it is nice to reflect on what the year has taught us. Specifically, I like to take time to look back on how I have seen the goodness of God over the past 12 months.

Sure, it would be easy to point out the negative things (especially over this past year), but even in those, we can see our Father’s GOODNESS and, often, protection. When I have those moments where my mind races to the worst case scenario, it sure helps ease my fears to practically recall how FAITHFUL our God has always been (as Psalms 94:19 says, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”).

Now, the verse selected for this week is a beautiful reminder of our God’s provision. He began a good work in us- He took the initiative to send His perfect, spotless, Son to this earth. Without that, we were hopeless. He continues this good work as we get to know Him better, teaching us to be more like Him. Then, He promises to see it to the end- our hope of salvation because of His Son.

Sometime during the next several days, do yourself a favor and take even just 5 minutes to consider how God has been taking the good work that He began in you and is carrying it to the finish.

Over the past year:

  • What have you learned about God? How do you know Him better?

  • Where/when have you seen His faithfulness? (Think back on specific moments/situations).

And, what are you hopeful to see in the coming year? How are you going to be intentional about knowing Him more?

If nothing else, recall to mind the fact that He started a GOOD work in you and WILL carry it to completion.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for not only starting a good work in us, but assuring us that you will see it to completion. Thank you that we have hope of salvation, because of your great gift. Thank you for your great faithfulness through our lives.

We love you Father, Amen.

Drew Gonzalez