
Normally, we would have “Worship and WOD” on the second Saturday of the month. This month looks and feels different, but we still wanted everyone to have an opportunity to spend some time in the word. We have a short devotional that you can go through alone or with those you are “isolating” with at this time. Also, please know that if you don’t have anyone to go through the devotional with, but want to, we are more than willing, so just reach out!

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Jesus described himself as “the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). Since Sunday is Easter, it seems that this is a very appropriate declaration to consider.

Some questions that we wanted to ask and encourage you to think about, specifically during this season of life:

Who has God been to you?

What have you learned about God?

What have you learned about yourself?

Spend some time answering those questions (in your head, in your journal, aloud with friends/family, on the phone, any old way you like). For example, this is what came to us as we considered and discussed this:

  • Who has God been to you?

    • Forgiver: He blotted out all our sins (Isaiah 44:22).

    • The giver of hope, life, and a “fresh start” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

    • Faithful friend (John 15:15).

    • The elimination of my shame (2 Corinthians 5:17).

    • A kind and compassionate Father (Isaiah 64:8).

    • The reason I have freedom from fear/worry/anxiety/negative thoughts/etc (Philippians 4:6-7).

  • What have you learned about God?

    • His kindness overwhelms me (Romans 2:4).

    • He is always communicating with me; I need only to listen (Mark 15:38).

    • He truly sees me as His daughter/son and that brings me to my knees (Galatians 4:7).

  • What have you leaned about yourself?

    • I do not need the approval of man; I need only to be right with God.

    • I do not understand the Almighty’s ways and that is ok, because I know that He is good.

    • I have a hard time “being still” (or some would call it “waiting on God”), but it is well worth it.

Good Friday has past. Jesus was crucified (“He was pierced for our transgressions…” Isaiah 53:5).

The tomb was sealed, but…

Easter is on the way. The story is not over, and neither is yours. No matter where you are in life, good or bad, or what you have done, or what’s been done to you, your story is not over. Victory over death will be confirmed, and He will have the last word in your life, if you choose to let Him.

So, for today, we give thanks and we expectantly wait for Sunday.

Thank you, Jesus, for the cross.

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Now, for the WOD. Faith RX’d posts a workout they call the “Passion WOD.” We thought it seemed fitting for today:

50 Alternating Leg Lunges

25 Burpees

50 Line jumps

50 Alternating Leg Lunges

25 Burpees

50 Alternating Leg Lunges

*Post your score in the comments.

Drew Gonzalez