#TuesdayTruth Mark 16:17-18

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Mark 16:17-18

Jesus did such a great job making it clear that there would be certain signs that should follow every believer. If you have placed your faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ then you meet the criteria for demons to flee, and for the sick to be healed.  

We were meant to live a life where the Spirit of the Living God should show up regularly as a catalyst for a supernatural life. The Bible says that same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside us (Rom. 8:11). If we believe the Bible to be true then we have access to the same dead-raising power that brought Jesus back to life. That same Spirit is still at work today, and creation is waiting for the sons of God to reveal that He still heals, He still has the power to raise the dead (Rom. 8:19).

 We can walk in this power with full confidence that God is a man of His word and will keep it (Num. 23:19). We can also rest assured that we need not be fearful. Luke 10:19 says that Christ has given us, “ALL authority over EVERY power of the enemy, and nothing will be any means hurt us.” This means no matter what spiritual, emotional, or physical attack the enemy tries to deploy we know that we already have the victory because of the authority that Jesus has given us. There is nothing to fear!! Praise God for this victory.       

 Notice that the Bible does not say these signs follow preachers, teachers, the most anointed, the guy or girl with move followers in Instagram, etc. These signs follow ANY ONE who has confessed with their mouth, and believed in their heart that Jesus is Lord.

As believers, we were designed to terrify hell for a living. We need to wake up with the full assurance that through Christ we are conquerors and that we will not settle for anything less than what He paid for.

 Friends, let’s make it a point to no longer settle for average. We do not have to accept blow after blow from the enemy. Through Christ we have authority over anything the enemy tries to throw at us. We were designed to walk the life more abundantly. It’s what Christ paid for.

 Jesus, thank You for being so kind. Thank you that You have given me access to the same power that raised You from the dead. Holy Spirit give me the boldness to proclaim this truth every day, and to use that boldness to see the miraculous regularly. In Jesus name, Amen.

Drew Gonzalez