#TuesdayTruth Matthew 20:28
Matthew 20:28
“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
The goal is to live in the world, without being of the world.
There is such a huge difference in the world and the Son. The world tells us to look out for yourself- to go for what you want, when you want it, how you want it. The Son, in contrast, demonstrated the ultimate in forgoing what is best for self and giving of himself to the ultimate.
At times, we will look at what is asked of us, or see opportunities to serve, and we will, unfortunately, let them pass us by, especially if it could be an inconvenience. Our prayer and hope is that we will be a people who are ever-alert to where we can help, with what resources/talents/knowledge we have, and jump in with no reservation.
Not only that, but even more, we pray that we would see opportunities to serve as just that- an opportunity. We do not have to help. We GET to help! We are blessed to be able to help where we can, when we can- whether it’s physically helping someone with a task, being there for someone who simply needs a friend, giving what resources we have, or using some talent God has given us.
Consider what the world would look like when each person is trying to out-serve others.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us opportunities to serve one another. Please help us to be aware of the needs of those around us, and help us to see how and where we can serve. Please help us to also remember how blessed we are to be used by you to help others. Thank you for giving us the perfect demonstration of a servant’s heart.
We love You Father, Amen.