#TuesdayTruth Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 11:28-29

“ ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ ”



Weighed down.


Out of steam.

This has been one of my favorite passage for a long, long time. I feel like it would be safe to guess that we have all been in situations (or even “seasons”) of feeling weighed down and in need of “soul rest.” Many, if not all, of us have felt that way just this year- with all the changes; the uncertainties; the big, difficult, “life” decisions to be made; the interruptions to our schedules; the things we feel we are “missing out” on; the negative news we seem to hear day in and day out; etc.

How wise and how kind is our God, though, to know we would need to hear from Jesus Himself how to find rest? And, how generous that He asks so very little from us in order for us to find this “soul-level” rest?

As I read it, here is what I see that is asked of us:

  1. “Come to me” (anyone who feels “weary/burdened” is instructed to go to the Savior).

  2. “Take my yoke” (the one He describes as “easy/light”) and “learn from me” (He is, after all, described as “gentle/humble”).

  3. “Find rest for your souls.”

Not terribly difficult, is it? For me, the hardest part of this is remembering when I am in those high stress times, that He is not asking me to figure it all out, to find the answers/solutions, to work everything out for everyone. No, He is simply asking me to “come” and learn from Him.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for knowing in advance that all of us would need to know how to find rest for our souls. Thank you for giving us the instructions for how to find that rest and thank you that it is so simple. It is easy enough for even our feeble human minds to understand. We come to you, Father, in our weariness, and we know that when we feel bogged down with the weight of the world, you will give us rest. Thank you.

We love you Father, Amen.

Drew Gonzalez