Memorial Day 2019

Today, we, like most other CrossFit gyms, will be hosting “Murph” for our members, which is done in remembrance of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy.  Here is a little information about this workout:

This Memorial Day let’s not get caught up and forget the real reason that this day is set aside- to REMEMBER those who lost their lives while serving our country so that WE could be free.🇺🇸  For some history on Memorial Day:

Last, please remember that it is not a “happy” Memorial Day for the families who lost loved ones in the line of duty.  They waited expectantly/hopefully for someone to come home, who never did.  The very least we can do is take time to consider that sacrifice and express our gratitude for it.  We enjoy every freedom that we enjoy, thanks to these men and women.

Our words will never be sufficient to express the gratitude that we feel toward these men and women, and their families, but our words are all we have, so we say THANK YOU!

Drew Gonzalez