#TuesdayTruth Psalms 112:6-8

Psalms 112:6-8

“Surely the righteous will never be shaken;

they will be remembered forever.

They will have no fear of bad news;

their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;

in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.”

The holidays are upon us. This season can be full of happiness, laughter, celebration, abundance, excitement, fun, togetherness, and celebration. However, for some, this season can, instead, be full of sadness, grief, need, dread, fear, loneliness, and/or anxiety.

I think that is why the passage referenced here stood out to me, especially at the holiday season. The words are so powerful:

  • NEVER shaken…

  • No fear…


  • Secure…

I do not know about you, but these are all things that I want said of me. Think how that would sound to have your name inserted there- for me, “Katie is never shaken. She has no fear of bad news. Her heart is steadfast and secure.” Just typing those words made me take a deep breath, and feel immensely thankful for Scripture, specifically these verses.

Now who is described as such in the passage? It is the righteous and those who trust in the Lord. Here is the truly GOOD NEWS- our Heavenly Father knew (knows) that we could not be righteous on our own, and that, in fact, if/when left to ourselves, we will falter and run after all of the wrong things to try to feel steadfast and secure. Thank God, because He gave us a way back to him, through Jesus- our righteousness is not anything of ourselves, but is a result of our Lord and Savior and his triumph of the cross.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the beauty of the Christmas season- a time when we are often prompted to remember the birth of your Son, and our Savior. Thank you that even when we hurt, we can rest assured in your goodness. Thank you that we do not have to fear bad news, that we can be steadfast and secure, because of You.

We love you,


Drew Gonzalez