#TuesdayTruth Romans 8:28,31

Romans 8:28, 31

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Notice this verse does not say that only good things will happen to you when you are a believer. I think we all know that that is simply NOT how this world works. Unfortunately, there can be much pain and distress in this life. Sometimes, we bring these things on ourselves; and other times, they seem to be at “random” (or at least by no fault of our own).

What I read here, and what I have experienced in my own life, is that God can take anything (even those things that I did outside of my Father’s will, or in rebellion) and use it for my good. That is not to say that when we stray outside of the Father’s will, we do not have to deal with real-world consequences to our unruly, irresponsible actions.

I can think back to multiple “seasons” in my past that were ugly and messy and very painful at the time. Now that these are behind me, I can look back and see how God brought me through those tough times and, despite the hurt, He used it to shape me, to teach me something important, to prepare me for what was next in life, or even give me something new, that I never thought I could have.

That is the generosity of our Heavenly Father. He loves us more than we could imagine and, oh, how we love Him! Just like children, we may wander away from our Father’s good and perfect plan for our lives. However, even so, He will work for our good, because we love Him. He loves us still. He teaches us. He guides us. He extends mercy and grace that we do not deserve. He gives beauty for ashes and joy for mourning (Isaiah 61:3).

He. Is. For. Us. Who can be against us?

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your word, for the blessed assurance that you can work out everything for our good. Thank you that we do not have to dwell in our failures, but that we can have renewed hope every day because of you. Thank you that we can walk boldly through this life, knowing that you are for us.

We love you Father, Amen.

Drew Gonzalez