#Tuesday Truth Isaiah 40:30-31

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.”

We have all been in the midst of something and felt as though we could not go on. We have all been weary at some point, even stumbled and fallen. A simple metaphor is to think of a workout that you have been right in the middle of, and thought, “I can’t keep going. There is no way I can finish.” Imagine having an ally (a secret weapon, if you will) who could refresh you and allow you to continue on as though you were not tired at all.

Friend, we have that ally in God. Life situations/circumstances are obviously much more difficult than the simple example above of a workout. This makes it even more incredible and wonderful that God can meet us right where we are, and renew our strength, even in the midst of the most difficult time (perhaps something we previously could not even imagine). In those times, there comes that critical moment (that “breaking point”), when we may “grow tired and weary”, or when we may “stumble and fall.” However, if your hope is in Him:

  • You do not fatigue and give up; your strength will be renewed.

  • You do not have to crawl; you will soar.

  • You you do not have to limp along; you will run without fatigue.

The scripture does not say to work harder, to hope or rely on your own strength; for God knew this would not be sufficient (“my power is made perfect in weakness”, 2 Corinthians 12:9). You need only to put your hope in the Lord- the One who will never leave you, nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). The only One with the power to refresh you, renew your strength, is God. Why would our hope be in anyone or anything else?

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for renewing our strength, just when we feel like we can not go on any further. Thank you that I was never meant to do it all on my own. Thank you for that revelation. Thank you that hope in you will never disappoint.

We love you Father, Amen.

Drew Gonzalez